Evercreech History Society
Introduction to our History Society
In 1996 a group of enthusiasts started the Evercreech & District Local History Society to cover the village and its surrounding area and hamlets. Since then, we have had regular meetings with speakers. Subjects of interest have been researched, books and booklets have been written which are available from this site see Publications.
We hold an archive of papers, books and research notes which are all catalogued on the National Archives Discovery site which is searchable and can be accessed from the Archives page
Once a year we have a visit to a site of local interest. Membership is free and we charge a nominal amount for meetings to cover speaker’s fees and village hall hire. For dates and upcoming talks see Events on this site. For queries see the Contacts page for our email address.
Below is a map of the parish of Evercreech: the straight boundary on the west side is the Fosse Way (A37), the Roman Road from Bath to Exeter. In the east is a long finger of land used for the medieval bishop’s flocks of sheep to be taken along Shapway (sheep way) Lane to higher pastures through land belonging to the Abbots of Glastonbury.
For more information see the Parish History page of this site and a collection of old photographs of the village are available on the Gallery page.
Map of Evercreech Parish